(Peer-Reviewed: Journal Article/ Conference)
Washington, G., Burge, L., Hatley, L. Williams, L. (2018). Engaging HBCU Faculty in Project-Based Learning in Silicon Valley, The Consortium for Computer Sciences in College, Eastern Region – 34th Annual Regional Conference in Cooperation with ACM SIGCSE, October 2018. (PDF)
(Peer-Reviewed: Journal)
Hatley, L., Al-Freih, M., Bannan, B. (2018). “I’m Just Guiding You:” An Exploration of Software Design Mentorship within A Software Engineering Firm.Journal of Software Engineering and Applications (JSEA) Vol. 11. No. 6.
(Peer-Reviewed: Conference)
Hatley, L. (2018). RESPECT the RECIPE: What Happened When HBCU Students New to Java Programming Were Given a Recipe to Code, RESPECT 2018: 3rd Annual Conference For Research on Equity & Sustained Participation in Computing, Engineering, & Technology, IEEE Special Technical Community on Broadening Participation. (Paper and poster).
(Book Chapter)
Joseph, R., Moore, J. and Benson, A. (2017). Culture, Learning and Technology: Research and Practice. Routledge, New York, NY.
Hatley, L. Winston, C.E., Paige G., Clark, K. Chapter 8: “Culture & Computational Thinking: A Pilot Study of Operationalizing Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) in Computer Science
Technical Reports